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Version: 2.6

Introduction to C# Scripts

Scripting help to easily extend the functionality of the HumanOS IoT Runtime.

Currently, following extension points exist:

  • Payload processing for device connectors (UHAL Plugins)
  • Creating payloads for data loggers (PeSeL Plugins)
  • Payload processing for data subscribers (PeSeL Plugins)
  • Correlation and data aggregation logics for processors

Connector Extensions

Some of the connectors require scripting to parse and extract data from native communication protocols.

Stream based connectors use a task processor to handle data streams.

DataLogger Scripts

Some data logger use the scripting to generate customized payloads. This allows to adapt HumanOS easily to any surrounding system like ERPs, platforms, etc.

Subscriber Scripts

Some service plugins allow to receive data from platforms. Their payloads are parsed and extracted by scripts.

Processor Scripts

Complex processors can be realized with C# scripts. Here, data extraction, aggregations and other mathematical function can be easily realized.