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Version: 2.7

TCP Data Access

A task processor with payload handling is needed to access data over a native TCP connection.

Task Processor

The payload processing must be declared in a processor information within the device info file.

The payload script is typically placed in the folder:



  "TaskProcessors": [
"Id": "9bd3ec86-f5fe-4679-8621-751540d602a2",
"Name": "MainTaskProcessor",
"ScriptFile": "TcpBridgeCommunicator.cs",
"Properties": []

Further information about DataStream Scripting.

A detailed example for native TCP connections.

Builtin Addresses

Following data node addresses are provided by the plugin. The Stream namespace is used:

AddressDescriptionData Type
Stream::AvailableReturns the available flag. true if the data stream is open.System.Boolean
Stream::SignOfLifeSign of life. Toggles in 1Hz if the data stream is open.System.Boolean

Other DataNodes

All other data nodes might have an address of your choice.


If there is no address provided, the default behavior of the plugin will not set the data state to BadNotActive if the connection is lost.

Accessing Address Information

The address can be accessed in your payload script by the property Address.


Note that there might be other nodes, such as Commands, Processors, Rules, etc. Filter the nodes you want to use for communication. If using the NodeSpace directly to filter nodes, make sure you only query nodes from this device (property DeviceId).


The following example illustrates how to filter nodes based to the DeviceId and Address.

    ///<see cref="TAbstractStreamScriptObject"/>
public override EProcessingState connectToDevice(IKernelAccess Kernel, TDeviceSchemaInfo DeviceInfo, IDataStream DataStream)
EProcessingState eRetval = EProcessingState.Good;
foreach (INode Node in Kernel.NodeSpace.queryNodes(n => n.hasProperty("DeviceId", DeviceInfo.Id)))
string strAddress = Node.getProperty("Address", "");
Logger.writeInfo($"Node found: {Node.Name}");
if (strAddress != "")
//TODO Setup node for receiving data
Logger.writeDebug($"Node '{Node.Name}' has no address. Ignored.");
catch (Exception Exc)
eRetval = EProcessingState.BadConnection;
return eRetval;