Designing Device Connectivity
The layer on the bottom end of the NodeSpace is called "Ubiquitous Hardware Abstraction Layer" (UHAL).
UHAL is responsible to integrate devices (physical or virtual) into the HumanOS NodeSpace.
- Providing different connectors to access devices
- Implements communication protocols
- Device detection
- Providing virtual twins
The "Ubiquitous Hardware Abstraction Layer" (UHAL) is the first step to create an abstraction of hardware.
The dimension from hardware to application is called "Abstraction Continuum".
An important step along this abstraction continuum is the generic information model for devices (GIM).
- All devices are generalized and provide a unified interface for applications.
Everything is a Device
Everything that provides information for services, correlations and other processing engines are called "Devices".
They are all connected on the level of UHAL.
The plugins are also named "HumanOS.UHAL" if they are designed to be connectors for devices.
Examples of devices are
- Industrial Machines
- Robots and Loaders
- Sensors and Actors
- WebCams
- Databases
- ICT devices like routers, firewalls
- ...