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Version: 2.7

Heidenhain DataLogger

This tutorial uses the Heidenhain Simulator. It shows how a simple CSV data logger can be configured with HumanOS.


  1. HumanOS IoT Designer installed on development client (Check Installation Manual)

  2. HeidenhainDNC installed on the development client.
    The HeidenhainDNC manages the connections to different Heidenhain Controllers.
    Download the HeidenhainDNC here.

  3. Heidenhain Simulator for iTNC530 installed on the development client.
    Download the Heidenhain Simulator for iTNC530 here

Step 1: Setup connection to Heidenhain Controller (Simulator)

  1. Start the Heidenhain Simulator (Icon on the Windows Desktop)

  2. Make sure the Heidenhain DNC is configured correctly.

Step 2: Create a IoT Project with DataLogger

  1. Create an empty IoT designer project

  2. Add a Heidenhain OEE device template to your project

  3. Select the Plugins folder within your default-target and add new content. Press [+]-button

  4. Open the plugin settings from HumanOS.PeSeL.CsvDataLogger and select the root node called Plugin Configuration. Press [+]-button to add a new configuration.

  5. Change the file name of the CSV settings to C:\Temp\HeidenhainData.csv.

    • Activate the Print Header Row flag
    • Disable the Payload Dump Enabled flag


The Payload Dump Enabled flag is useful for debugging and analyzing the payload of the data logger. How ever, this could lead to full disks, especially if the sampling rate is high.

  1. Click on the DataSet node
    • Here you see the Node Filter that helps to filter the data nodes needed for our CSV dump. Currently, the node filter is set to node.hasProperty<bool>("EnableCsv", true)

Typically, each data logger has its enable flag to filter nodes relevant for logging.

  1. Select the Heidenhain OEE template navigate to the data node OEEMachineState.

    • Add a new property called EnableCsv and set the value to true.
    • Repeat it for OEEMachineStateName, OEEProductName and OEEProductionStep

Step 3: Create Heidenhain Device

  1. Create a Heidenhain Device within the default-Target.

    Create Device

  2. Deploy and run HumanOS IoT Gateway

  3. Go to the simulator and run an NC program

  4. Open the csv file C:\Temp\HeidenhainData.csv in an editor.

Extension Step 1: Alarm Event Logging

  1. Add a new publisher called AePublisher to the CSV plugin configuration.

Delete the data set coming with the publisher per default.


The CSV data logger can not handle different structured data sets in one publisher (csv file). Therefore, with a new publisher a new csv file is created.

  1. Set the file name to C:\Temp\HeidenhainAlarms.csv and enable the Print Header Row flag.

  2. Click [+]-button to add a new dataset configuration.

  3. Add the Blank DataSet for Alarm & Events. Set the name to AlarmDataSet.

  4. Set the node filter to node.hasProperty<bool>("EnableCsv", true).

  5. Click [+]-button to add following fields:

    • A&C ConditionName
    • A&C Alarm Message
    • A&C Alarm Active Flag
    • A&C Alarm Type
    • A&C Source
    • A&C TimeStamp

  6. Select the Heidenhain OEE template navigate to the alarm event pool node MachineAlarming.

    • Add a new property called EnableCsv and set the value to true.


    • Reassign the changed device template to your Heidenhain device.
  7. Deploy and run HumanOS IoT Gateway

  8. Switch to the Heidenhain Simulator and press any non-functional key, e.g. select Manual mode and then press [GOTO].

    Why is the C:\Temp\HeidenhainAlarms.csv not written? What do you have to do?


    The file is not written because alarms are not triggered by the AlarmDataSet. The cause is the missing property "EnableCsv"

    1. Navigate to the device template and select the MachineAlarms node.
    2. Add the property "EnableCsv"= true.
    3. Reassign the changed device template to your Heidenhain device.
    4. Deploy and run HumanOS IoT Gateway

  9. Open the csv file C:\Temp\HeidenhainAlarms.csv in an editor and check if the alarm is present.


  1. What do you have to do, if you want the timestamp in your C:\Temp\HeidenhainData.csv?


    A new Field "Timestamp" must be added to the DataSet configuration of the CSV plugin.

  2. What is the purpose of node filter?


    The node filter is used to select data nodes for logging. It helps to limit the data transfer to relevant data nodes.

Further Information


  • The Designer Project can be downloaded here: Tutorial 3