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Version: 2.6

BECKHOFF Data Access

The BECKHOFF Control drives is capable to access all PLC variables. This chapter outlines the possibilities or accessing these data points and how to configure them.


Following data types are fully supported (read and event callbacks):

DataTypeHumanOS System Data TypeTwinCAT Data Type
Boolean ValueSystem.BooleanBOOL
8bit unsigned integerSystem.ByteBYTE
8bit unsigned integerSystem.UInt8USINT
16bit unsigned integerSystem.UInt16WORD, UINT
32bit unsigned integerSystem.UInt32UDINT
64bit unsigned integerSystem.UInt64ULINT
8bit signed integerSystem.Int8SINT
16bit signed integerSystem.Int16INT
32bit signed integerSystem.Int32DINT
64bit signed integerSystem.Int64LINT
32bit floating pointSystem.SingleREAL
64bit floating pointSystem.DoubleLREAL
String valuesSystem.StringSTRING
Boolean ArraySystem.Boolean[]ARRAY [0..N] OF BOOL
8bit unsigned integer ArraySystem.Byte[]ARRAY [0..N] OF BYTE
8bit unsigned integer ArraySystem.UInt8[]ARRAY [0..N] OF USINT
16bit unsigned integer ArraySystem.UInt16[]ARRAY [0..N] OF WORD, UINT
32bit unsigned integer ArraySystem.UInt32[]ARRAY [0..N] OF UDINT
64bit unsigned integer ArraySystem.UInt64[]ARRAY [0..N] OF ULINT
8bit signed integer ArraySystem.Int8[]ARRAY [0..N] OF SINT
16bit signed integer ArraySystem.Int16[]ARRAY [0..N] OF INT
32bit signed integer ArraySystem.Int32[]ARRAY [0..N] OF DINT
64bit signed integer ArraySystem.Int64[]ARRAY [0..N] OF LINT
32bit floating point ArraySystem.Single[]ARRAY [0..N] OF REAL
64bit floating point ArraySystem.Double[]ARRAY [0..N] OF LREAL
String values ArraySystem.String[]ARRAY [0..N] OF STRING

Writing is also possible, although not all memory ranges are supported.


The native address of a data access point is the absolute variable name.


Int32Value : DINT;
"Id": "93DEE416-DF8C-4F89-8BCE-EB21EF4963A9",
"Name": "Int32Value",
"DataClass": "Event",
"DataType": "System.Int32",
"Address": "PRG_Test.Int32Value ",
"Access": {
"Read": true,
"Receive": true