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Version: 2.6

ANDRON Data Access

This chapter outlines all possible native addresses to read or write data. These addresses must be configured within the device configuration.


A native ANDRON address has following format:

{memory base}.{memory type}.{data type}:{address}(.{bit}?)(°{axis}?)

{bit} and {axis} are optional.

Memory Base

The CNC control provides different bases for memory:

Memory BaseDescription
GlobalGlobal memory base.
Nc1Nc1 memory base. For the ANDRON control driver is only the first Nc channel possible.

Memory Type

Each memory base can have one or several memory types.

Memory BaseMemory TypeDescription
GlobalSystemGlobal CNC Information
Nc1ProgramProgram Information
AxisAxis positions and Speeds (absolute pos, machine pos, ...)
StateRunning state of the machine
HParamManual Parameter
PLCParamPLC Parameter

Data Types

Data TypeDescriptionSystem Data Type
BoolBit information. 0 = not set; 1 = setSystem.Boolean
Uint8Byte information (unsigned 8bit integer)System.Byte
Uint16Word information (unsigned 16bit integer)System.UInt16
Uint32DWord information (unsigned 32bit integer)System.UInt32
Int32Signed integer (32bit)System.Int32
Float64Floating point number (64bit)System.Double


"Nc1.Program.String:0" address of the current program name.

Global System Configuration

The global system configuration can only be read or monitored. Writing is not possible.

AddressDescriptionData Type
Global.System.Int32:1Connection status of the control (0 = Disconnected; 1 = Connected)System.Int32
Global.System.String:0Name of current controlSystem.String

Nc Program Configuration

The Nc Program configuration can only be read or monitored. Writing is not possible.

AddressDescriptionData Type
Nc1.Program.String:0Actual selected program nameSystem.String
Nc1.Program.Int32:1Actual selected program pathSystem.Int32
Nc1.Program.Int32:2Actual selected program nestingSystem.Int32
Nc1.Program.String:10Startup program nameSystem.String
Nc1.Program.Int32:11Startup program pathSystem.Int32
Nc1.Program.Int32:12Startup program nestingSystem.Int32
Nc1.Program.String:20Actual ident file nameSystem.String
Nc1.Program.Int32:21Actual ident file pathSystem.Int32
Nc1.Program.Int32:22Actual ident file nestingSystem.Int32
Nc1.Program.String:30Startup ident file nameSystem.String
Nc1.Program.Int32:31Startup ident file pathSystem.Int32
Nc1.Program.Int32:32Startup ident file nestingSystem.Int32
Nc1.Program.String:40Actual Nc set file nameSystem.String
Nc1.Program.Int32:41Actual Nc set file pathSystem.Int32
Nc1.Program.Int32:42Actual Nc set file nestingSystem.Int32
Nc1.Program.String:50Startup Nc set file nameSystem.String
Nc1.Program.Int32:51Startup Nc set file pathSystem.Int32
Nc1.Program.Int32:52Startup Nc set file nestingSystem.Int32

Nc State Configuration

The Nc State configuration can only be read or monitored. Writing is not possible.

AddressDescriptionData Type
Nc1.State.Int32:0Running State (0 = Ready; 1 = Stop; 2 = Hold; 3 = Running)System.Int32
Nc1.State.Int32:1Operation Mode (0 = MDI; 1 = Auto; 2 = Handle; 3 = Operation Mode not defined)System.Int32
Nc1.State.Int32:2Alarm State (0 = No alarm; 1 = Alarm; 2 = Emergency Stop; 3 = Not operational)System.Int32

Nc Axis Configuration

Reading the axis position and spindle speeds.

AddressDescriptionData Type
Nc1.Axis.Float64:0Machine positionsSystem.Double[]
Nc1.Axis.Float64:1Absolute positionsSystem.Double[]
Nc1.Axis.Float64:2Relative positionsSystem.Double[]
Nc1.Axis.Float64:3Distance to goSystem.Double[]
Nc1.Axis.Float64:4Spindle speedSystem.Double[]

Each of these memories can be also read by axis number:

AddressDescriptionData Type
Nc1.Axis.Float64:0°{x}Machine position of x-th axisSystem.Double
Nc1.Axis.Float64:1°{x}Absolute position of x-th axisSystem.Double
Nc1.Axis.Float64:2°{x}Relative position of x-th axisSystem.Double
Nc1.Axis.Float64:3°{x}Distance to go of x-th axisSystem.Double
Nc1.Axis.Float64:4°{x}Spindle speed of x-th axisSystem.Double

Manual Parameter

The manual parameter can be accessed by the HParam-memory type.

AddressDescriptionData Type
Nc1.HParam.Float64:{x}Manual Parameter {x} as floating pointSystem.Float64
Nc1.HParam.Int32:{x}Manual Parameter {x} as integerSystem.Int32

PLC Parameter

The PLC parameter accesses the PLC-NC memory channel.

AddressDescriptionData Type
Nc1.PLCParam.Float64:{x}PLC Parameter {x} as floating pointSystem.Float64
Nc1.PLCParam.Int32:{x}PLC Parameter {x} as integerSystem.Int32

IMPORTANT: This function is only available if the transparent data channel to PLC is ENABLE in the system configuration.

How to enable the transparent data channel:

  1. Start the tool C:\Andron\SysConfig.exe
  2. Navigate to -> "NC Server" -> "Allgemein"
  3. Enable the option "Transparent Data Channel to SPS"


For WALTER Machines, the integer parameter 0 and 1 are used to transmit the feedrate switch position (in %).

"Id": "39315EDF-9617-45D0-AA1D-82459BFD9D36",
"Name": "Current feedrate override",
"DataClass": "Event",
"DataType": "System.Double",
"Address": "Nc1.PLCParam.Int32:1",
"Access": {
"Receive": true